Competency Profile


The following positions are likely to be occupied by the Diploma holders:

Wage Employment

          —       Personal Secretary

          —      Office Executive/Supervisor

          —      Documentation Executive/Supervisor in the following areas of employment:

          —      Public and private sector enterprises.

          —      Service sector establishments like banks and other financial institutions, hotels, hospitals, transport systems, travel agents, etc.

          —      Government departments etc..


Self Employment

In addition to the above, these Diploma holders can set up their own service centers in areas like:

          —      Reprographics services, Photostat, lamination, punching and binding, cyclostyling, electronic typing, computerized accounting and printing.

          —      Information Networking, PCOs, phone, fax, courier etc.


Electronics and Telecommunication (E&T)

The Diploma Course provides its students with:

          —      A broad-based programme of lectures, laboratory and problem solving case study, which will give students a sound understanding of the basic principles of telecommunication engineering.

          —      An understanding of the emerging technologies in telecommunication industry.

          —      An understanding of the operation of computer networks.


Competency Profile

The student of E&T will be able to:

          —      Understand the basic theory underlying telecommunication system.

          —      Utilized computers and embedded systems in the design, evaluation, control and instrumentation of telecommunication system.

          —      Appreciate the characteristics of the various types of telecommunication system encountered in the country and abroad.

          —      Make a contribution to the overall design, implementation, operation and maintenance of a telecommunication system.



Areas of training – communication skills, applied textiles, pattern making, garment construction, IT and CAD, export-import management, apparel marketing & merchandising, apparel marketing & management.


A diploma holder of GT will be able to work as-

          —      Designer/Fashion Designer

          —      Pattern Maker

          —      Production Manager/Supervisor

          —      Quality Controller in apparel marketing agencies, merchandising agencies, export houses, clothing units of KVICs, Army, etc.

          —      She may also undertake self employment and start her own business as a manufacturer, consultant, freelancer, etc.


Beauty Culture and Cosmetology (BCC)

Areas of training – communication skill, yoga & asana, dietetics, hair dressing, cosmetic chemistry, entrepreneurship & management, computer, beauty culture, skin care, etc.


Job Opportunities

The Diploma holder of this course will find:

          —      Self-employment as beautician, hairdresser.

          —      Wage employment in Beauty Saloon/ Parlours and sales promoters for beauty products.